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Our Day With The Bugs

On Tuesday, Heather Bothwell came in and showed us some tadpoles that she got from a drain. Callum found a newt and Deirbhile found one too. Clodagh and Kate found a shrimp in with the tadpoles. It started to rain so we went inside. Heather showed us some rocks from our own school and can you guess how old that Killygarry's rocks are? They're 460 million years old , that's older than the dinosaurs!!! The rocks in Killygarry church has fossils in them so next time you go to mass try and spot them. When we were done looking at the rocks she showed us some animals that she found on  the side of the road, she got them stuffed by a taxidermist. There was an otter, a pine martin , a red squirrel and a sparrowhawk. We learned a lot more about rocks and animals than ever before.


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