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Earth Day

Earth Day is being celebrated globally on Sunday 22nd April.
It is an opportunity for us all to examine how our lifestyle and behaviour impacts on the envoironment.
At Killygarry N.S, we are celebrating Earth Day on Friday 20th.
Every teacher has signed up to "Earth Hour", where all electrical devices will be turned off for the duration.
We will be planting a hazel tree given to us by Orla in 5th class.
We will also be planting flowers and shrubs that will attract birds, bees and butterflies to our garden.
5th and 6th class pupils will be visiting classrooms to talk to the children about how they can make a difference at home and at school.
We will have a cakesale to raise some funds to buy birdseed to encourage garden birds also.
We hope it will be an informative and enjoyable day!

Look at the official website to find out more

Photos and reviews of the day to follow....


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