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Let's go fly a kite...

4th and 5th classes have been busy constructing kites, not yet finished, there are a few modifications required in most groups! 
Get some tips on how to build a kite that might get airborne here!

/build-a-kite     There is a kite festival in Dublin in June.
After learning how to make a kite, find out a little about the history and origins of these cool toys!
This website has some very interesting facts about kites! Here's a taster...

The Chinese believe that when you tilt your head back to look at a kite in the sky your mouth opens slightly, which gets rid of excess body heat giving you a healthy yin-yang balance.

The Chinese name for a kite is Fen Zheng, which means wind harp. The name is derived from early Chinese kites which used to carry wind musical instruments.

Kites were used in the American Civil War to deliver letters and newspapers.


Ellie said...

that was very frustrating as my groups kite took ages to do and wouldn't fly

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