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Science Fair

Today we had a science fair, led by Declan from Science Ireland.
5th and 6th classes were shown several experiments and the scientific explanations were explained.
The pupils then demonstrated the experiments to the rest of the school and pupils got a chance to get hands-on fun with sound, velocity, air pressure, lights, mirrors and heat.
It was a very enjoyable day and we hope to continue experimenting and questioning like scientists!
Photos to follow......

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí lón lán-Ghaeilge againn ar scoil inniu.
Tháinig rang a haon agus a dó chuig ár sheomra agus roinnamar amach ár lón breise.
Bhíomar ag caint as Gaeilge agus d’imiríomar “Chinese  Whispers”
Bhí lón deas againn!

Post Office Competition

Ever wanted to know how your postman always finds your house? Or how old the oldest stamp in the world is? What about the huge part our largest Post Office played in the history of Ireland? You will find it all here...(including the competition!) 

Dress up

Well done to all of 5th and 6th for getting into the spirit of World Book Day with fantastic costumes!
Each pupil spoke about the book their character came from, and I think there will be alot of interest in the authors we heard about today.
Pete, the drama visitor gave us some good tips on how to really "get into" character. This will be very useful when preparing for our Speech and Drama exams so try to remember some of what he told us.