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Corpus Christi

On Sunday, there will be a procession to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi which means "the body of Christ".
Is is celebrated throughout the world and Cavan is going to be a part of it.
1st Communion and Confirmation children are especially invited.
We have been asked for volunteers to carry flowers and flags during the procession.
If you would like to be involved, please tell me or Bernie as soon as possible, or you can ask your parents to phone the presbytery.


Kandinsky was a Russian artist who created geometric and abstract art.
He was very influenced by music and loved Wagner especially.
Mathematical shapes are often found in his work.
The shapes he was most interested in were the circle, triangle, and the square. He thought the triangle would cause aggressive feelings, the square calm feelings, and the circle spiritual feelings. 

We are trying our hand at "hearing colour" and "seeing sounds"
Check back in a few days to see how we got on!

Spelling Bee

Today, Roshni, Liam and Shane travelled to Knocktemple N.S to support Adam in the county finals.

There were 9 contestants in total; several rounds were held, graduating from easy to medium to hard.
In round 7, there were 4 remaining pupils, by the end of the round there was a winner!

Congratulations Adam, you did fantastically well!
The provincial finals are in Belfast in June, and at that stage it will be on the radio for us all to listen to.
In the meantime, if you see Adam, give him some difficult spellings for practice!

Here is a link to an online piano keyboard so that you can all get lots of practice in before your music theory exams in a few weeks.
You should try to draw the keyboard as accurately as you can to help you during the exam. Pay close attention to the sharps and flats.
If you have any questions, let myself or Ms. O'Neill know as soon as possible.

music lessons
theory practice
music games


Congratulations to all the boys and girls in 6th class who received the sacrament of Confirmation today.
After many months of prayer and preparation, they were ready to receive the Holy Spirit, and enjoy both the ceremony and the celebrations afterwards.
I am very proud of you all, you prepared well both at school and at home.
I hope you all have a great weekend with your families and friends; all the pupils and teachers at school are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday!