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On Monday I brought in some clothes from Nigeria because we are doing a project about Africa. I brought in a boys and a girl clothes. I try the girls clothes on Shauna and the boys clothes on Orla. We went to all the classes and showed them the clothes. In Nigeria we wear clothes like ero, buba and abada. The abada is for the boys and the ero and buba is for girls. We were this clothes to party, church and wedding and you can also were it in your house if you want. There are different types of language in Nigeria. And all the languages are Ebo, Yoroba and Awosa. My language is Yoroba and the food we it is eba, amala and pounded yam. But thats just the traditional food. We don’t all wear the same clothes and eat the same food. I don’t really know the food that Ebo eat. But I know the food that Awosa eat they eat towo. Nigeria is a really fun place to be in. You will love it and the money is much cheaper than Ireland money.


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