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Whatever the weather...

5th and 6th class
You are learning about the weather, and in particular the instruments for measuring weather and how this inforrmation can be recorded.
The group challenge issued to you is to design an anemometer from simple materials that will give a basic reading of wind speed.
Here are some websites that will help you understand the elements of weather better.
have fun


victoria said...

i really like my group = )

lauren said...

th first anomometer was invented by italian architect leon battista alberti in was a disk which sat perpendicular to the wind and the wind force was determined by the result angle

Rachael said...

1.The atmosphere moves the earths tempertures from one place to another creating wind.

2.Warm air moves to the poles were it cools down.

3.Cold air moves to the equator were it warms up.

4.When wind blows really hard it can be called microburts,zphyrs,sirocco,sharav, mistral,or monsoons.

aoife said...

hi i love my group and can not wait untill we make or anemometer
see u in school

cait said...

hi ms wynne!I found out some information about anemometers.

An Anemometer is a device for measuring wind speed and a common weather station instrument.The term is derived from the greek word anemos meaning wind and is used and is used to describe any airspeed measurment insturement used in aerodynamics.

Dara said...

Dr.Andreas Plitsch invented the first sonic anemometer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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