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Palm Sunday

What a beautiful morning boys and girls!
There's an old saying that "Every cloud has a silver lining", meaning that even in difficult or unpleasant times there is something good. 
I nGaeilge, "Ní bhíonn scamall gan gealán". 
You can write that in your Irish hardback notebook and illustrate it!
Thank God for this lovely weather that we can all go outside and play and have fun! 
How much harder would this time be if it were cold and raining every day? 
On Sunday, it will be Palm Sunday, when Jesus went to Jerusalem, and the people greeted him with cheers and shouts of Hosanna! 
Here is a short video clip to remind you of this part of the story. 
Next week of course is Holy week, when Jesus was arrested, beaten and he died on the cross. Thankfully, on Sunday he rose from the dead which is why Easter is such a special celebration for us! 

Palm Sunday
Hosanna song (there is a delay in the start of this one, be patient!)
Holy Week to Easter Sunday


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