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Pythagoras Theorem

                                                                Pythagoras Theorem

Pythagoras Theorem is used to know the length of the hypotenuse the longest side of the right angled triangle. And this is how you do it. We know that the vertical line equals four cm and the horizontal line is three cm. And know we want to know how long is the longest side the diagonal or oblique. If you know how to square numbers then you should be able to do this. If you don't know hot to square numbers then I will explain. So squaring numbers is like multiplying but you multiply the number by it self. You can square as much as you want 1,2,3 and so on but in Pythagoras's Theorem you square by two. We will square the four cm side first. So we do 4x4=16. See we squared 4 by 2 which means we multiply four two times. So now we square the three cm side. 3x3=9 now we know the length of the two sides. Then we add 16+9 which equals 25 then we do the opposite of squaring. We have to find a number that can be squared and add up to 25. If you got five then you are correct.


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