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work outline for this week

10th  15th May
Spellings: revise weeks 1-3 and get tested on week 4 dictation at the end of the week
(count up and down in 12s, time yourself at the end of the week (use the clock, an online timer or phone)
Use a pack of cards if you have one to test yourself, or use the virtual link
Reading: 20 mins daily: you can also do non-fiction articles on the Renaissance website  (aim to get 3 done this week)
 Busy at Maths: p149, (1 & 2), p.151 all. P.153 (1,2)
Mental Maths: 1 test daily
English in Practice: 1 test per day
Use your dictionary for any words you do not know
Treasury D: p.40 read
p.41 A & B, p.43 A & B, p.45 A
Handwriting: 1 page; take great care and remember upstrokes at the beginning of a word and kicks at the end.
Scéal 18: I will upload a video of me reading the story. Read with me daily and practice reading out loud and upload a recording on Seesaw of 1 page of the story by the end of the week. Do not send it to me until you have practiced it for several days.
Scríobh: p.114, B & C (in your Irish copy – there will be a help tutorial on these questions on Seesaw)
Verb: Críochnaigh (lch 53) A.C and A.L (There will be a clip on Seesaw with me to practice pronunciation)
Duolingo: 50 xp target set for Friday
Look out for the following this week: try to observe as closely as possible and draw a detailed picture or take a photo without disturbing them.
      Butterfly: there are 32 different species in Ireland, see can you find more than 3 different species.
      Great tit and Blue tit


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